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Press Articles

DL Article Jan 2021.jpg

Patrick Hazeaux recounts memories of the station

Dauphiné Libéré - January 22, 2021

Collector February 2020 (01).png

La Plagne - An avalanche of derivative objects

Collector & Bargain Hunter - February 21 , 2020

InfosNews August 2019.png

In the eyes of... Patrick Hazeaux

Info News

Tarentaise Hebdo.jpg

The station seen in posters by Patrick Hazeaux, a unique look...

Tarentaise Weekly

Dauphine Liberated Press 01.jpg

60 years of station promotion traced in a book

Dauphiné Libéré - June 18, 2019

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His vintage posters are a hit

Dauphine Liberated

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